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Welcome to Shawnee!

     We know that life in a world cursed by sin is not easy. We also know that navigating this life alone is even harder.


     But there is good news! We believe that God has given us all we need for a hope-filled and purposeful life in His Word - the Bible. What’s even more, God has given us the opportunity for our sins to be forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only does this allow us to live in right relationship with God, but it then puts us into a family of other Christians that is made visible in a local church like Shawnee Baptist. 


     If you don’t find the information you are looking for on our website, don’t hesitate to contact us here. Once you’ve gotten to know a little about us online, we encourage you to come to one of our worship gatherings at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. You don’t need to register to show up, but if you want to let us know you’re coming, we’ll keep an eye out for you so we can say ‘Hi.’


                                    Pastor Aaron

Sunday Service & Times (check Church Events page for updates)​

  • Sunday Worship Service - 9:00 AM

  • Shawnee Studies - 10:30 AM



Where do I go?


As you enter the church you will be warmly greeted by our First Impressions Team. They will guide you to the Welcome Center where staff can answer your questions and point you in the right direction.


What do I wear?


At Shawnee there is no dress code. Don’t be surprised if you see someone wearing a suit and tie sitting next to someone with a pair of blue jeans. We’re all about being real with each other in order to sincerely pursue God.


What happens on Sunday?


We are grateful for the opportunity to worship as a body during the 9 AM service with our families. We all start off in the sanctuary at 9 AM worshipping in song and prayer together. Our 4 year olds to 4th grader children will leave service to attend their "WIRED," junior church program. We encourage our families to come and worship together during our services and we love having all age children with us as one body.

Following services you can join us for one of our Shawnee Studies classes. These classes start at 10:30 AM for all ages. The goal of Shawnee Studies is to broaden and deepen our understanding of God. His world - both now and historically - and our role in it, living as image-bearers who carry the gospel. We are excited to see the body of believers at Shawnee sitting alongside each other, cross generationally, to build each other up in faith, love and obedience as we all grow in Christ. Children from nursery to high school are in their age appropriate classes.


What are worship services like?


When you come to a worship service at Shawnee, we hope you'll be a participant, not just a spectator. Sing along… meet the people around you… listen to God's Word together… take what you see and hear and use it in real life! We believe the music will inspire you, the message will challenge you, and the fellowship will encourage you. Most of all, we believe that by joining together in worship, we bring God the glory He deserves!


What happens on other days?


During the week, we offer many opportunities for people to connect.  We desire to see seniors, adults, students and children grow in their faith in Christ and knowledge of the Bible, as well as connect with the people around them.  Some of the ministries include Adult Bible Studies, Men’s and Ladies’ Bible Studies, AWANA, and youth programs.  For a better understanding of the weekly schedule please visit our Events page.

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303 Oakshade Road

Shamong, NJ 08088

609.268.2500 [map]

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